Urban coyote research media coverage

New Hampshire Public Radio |

Outside/In, Newhampshire Public Radio Description:  Coyotes are a sort of goldilocks animal. They can be active during the day, and at night. They can hunt in groups, or survive solo. They’re wolfish enough to survive in the wild, dog-like enough to blossom in the big city.
That… Read more

Harper Collins |

In addition to our own book, Coyotes Among Us, another book is available that profiles this project. We were thrilled when author Mary Kay Carson asked to feature our work as part of her acclaimed series, Scientists in the… Read more

Paula Poundstone Podcast |

Listen to this comedian approach to scientific questions, minute 33:44.

NPR - WBEZ Chicago |

Stanley Gehrt is a Chicago-based researcher and author who focuses his studies on urban coyotes. His new book, “Coyotes Among Us: Secrets of the City's Top Predator,” explores over two decades of research on these animals that live in and around Chicago… Read more


The coyotes of Chicago were featured in the recent filming of the BBC series "Mammals." The team dedicated multiple days and nights to the BBC's Natural History Unit, tracking coyotes in and around Chicago to help the BBC get their stunning footage.

See them in the episode "Dark," which… Read more

Projects for Wildlife Podcast |

Listen in to this fun conversational podcast as Dr. Gerht talks about his career and his research. 

Boston Globe |

"Because we mistakenly think of ourselves as separate from nature, we’re thrown by the sight of other creatures filling the voids we’re leaving."

Learn more about how animals are reacting to changes in human behavior due to COVID-19.

National Geographic |

Check out the latest news on coyotes with Dr. Gehrt and National Geographic!

Science Friday |

Join the research team as they talk about coyotes, on the radio and via video interview.

Chicago magazine |

At a time of day when most Chicagoans are preparing for their morning commutes, Andy Burmesch is crawling headfirst into a hole. It’s the size of a coffin and stinks like rotten meat, but Burmesch is undeterred. The field technician wriggles into the ground until only his boots are visible… Read more


Biologists were busy tagging baby coyotes and their mothers Thursday morning in north suburban Barrington. They are tagging the animals so they can track their movements. "The genesis for the study is to understand coyote movements, understand coyote relationships between themselves and… Read more

Chicago magazine |

On a metal operating table lies an immobilized coyote, its eyes shielded from the light by a lime-green washcloth. Students from Purdue University surround the wild animal and look on while wildlife technician Andy Burmesch draws blood from its hind leg. Overseeing the operation in this Cook… Read more

Chicago Tonight |

The prairie – a habitat which historically covered much of Illinois’ Cook County – is mostly gone, but the prairie wolf, or coyote, is another story.

There are about 4,000 coyotes roaming Cook County – that’s a self-proclaimed “conservative guess” from Stanley Gehrt, a professor of… Read more

WGN Radio |

Charlie Potter, on the Great Outdoors, welcomes Dr. Stan Gehrt to discuss Dr. Gehrt’s recent trip to France where he spoke about coyotes and other larger carnivores, as well as the state of wildlife in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Fox News |

Article indicates severe mange cases in Chicago suburbs. 

Chicago Tonight |

Chicago’s animal control department could soon be treating urban coyotes as beneficial predators instead of potentially dangerous pests.

Under a measure championed by Ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd Ward) and passed by the Health Committee on Monday, animal control workers will no longer… Read more

WGN Radio |

WGN radio host Mike Stephen talks with Dr. Stan Gehrt in this podcast about updates to the coyote research program. Dr. Gehrt mentions some new research and other details about coyote conflicts.

Actual time slot of podcast is minute 7.34 - 16.07

National Geographic |

Coyotes, mountain lions and ants are among the many species great and small figuring out clever ways to live among people.

The New York Times |

Welcome to the future of urban living. Predators are turning up in cities everywhere, and living among us mostly without incident. Big, scary predators, at that. Wolves now live next door to Rome’s main airport, and around Hadrian’s Villa, just outside the city. A mountain lion roams the… Read more

Chicago Tonight |

Recent review from Dr. Stan Gehrt on the Cook County Coyote Project.

NBC News |

Visit the link below to watch this recent media interview as shown on NBC Nightly News.


Similar coverage on NBC TODAY and NBC Nightly News.

Chicago Tribune |

Coyotes usually try to avoid human contact. Yet animal experts say an increasing number of coyotes are setting up shop in one of the most dense urban labyrinths:  downtown Chicago.

The seemingly incongruous marriage between coyotes and a people-packed habitat has occurred naturally… Read more

National Geographic |

National Geographic:  An extreme breed of coyote is finding there's no finer place than downtown Chicago, where the predator has learned to lurk under the radar of city life, new data show...

Among the skyscrapers of Michigan Avenue and busy Lake Shore Drive, these animals are "… Read more

JSTOR Daily |

As predators big and small push quickly into North American cities, biologists are following—and discovering how much we’ve underestimated them.

Chicago Tonight |

A cougar spotted 130 miles west of Chicago in November 2013 and a black bear showing up in a Rockford backyard this year are just a two examples of wildlife being spotted as they make their way from one habitat to another. Preservationists say this uptick is a result of effective conservation… Read more

National Geographic |

Join National Geographic TV as they explore Chicago and the Cook County Coyote Project; first airing August 3, 2014 at 8 PM.

About the Show...They’re the subject of countless newscasts. The horror stories from our headlines. Wild animals stalking our streets like never before. But their… Read more

Kane County Chronicle |

This past winter being what it was – cold, snowy and all-around unforgiving – coyotes were out and about, likely more than usual. Over the course of three or four months, residents throughout the area called or emailed to relate their sightings. And, more often than not, also express their… Read more


Follow researchers as they document the original coyote in Chicago. The story of the mysterious coywolf, a mixture of western coyote and eastern wolf.

Chicago Tribune |

About 40 residents concerned about possible dangers from wildlife on Chicago's West Side gathered Wednesday after a 3-year-old boy was bitten by an animal his family believed to be a coyote.


Chicago Tribune |

An annual roundup of coyote pups allows researchers to study the Cook County population.


Mike Neri's voice echoed through a suburban forest preserve, announcing his find. He was quickly joined by fellow wildlife biologists who had been combing the underbrush looking for a… Read more

The Economist |

On a snowy trail that cuts around the trees is a neat line of paw prints which look as though they were made by a domestic dog. But Heidi Garbe, a research scientist with the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, can tell that they were made by a special kind of dog: Canis latrans, the coyote. Its… Read more


It’s estimated there are 30,000 coyotes are living in Illinois. The number in Cook County could be 2,000 or more.

With the coyote population exploding, CBS 2’s Bill Kurtis takes us an up-close look at a coyote den.

At four weeks old, the pups living in the Crabtree Cook County… Read more

Chicago Tribune |

An Aurora man walking back into his home after a late night smoke was startled when a large animal believed to be a coyote lunged at him, biting and scratching his arm, police said.

The 47-year-old man told police he was on the side of his house in the 1200 block of Cottonwood Drive when… Read more



"With some recent and well publicized downtown sightings, we know coyotes are in the Chicago area. But you may not know that Cook County, Illinois is the home of the largest study ever done on urban coyotes. Chicago's coyotes are… Read more

Outdoor Illinois |

An article by Dr. Stanley Gehrt in Outdoor Illinois, the magazine of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.